QuickieChick's Cheat Sheet to Life, Love, Food, Fitness, Fashion, and Finance---on...
2025/03/31 13:59
QuickieChick's Cheat Sheet to Life, Love, Food, Fitness, Fashion, and Finance---on...
QuickieChick's Cheat Sheet to Life, Love, Food, Fitness, Fashion, and Finance---on a Less-Than-Fabulous Budget【電子書籍】[ Laurel House ]
<p>Based on the popular <i>QuickieChick </i>website, lifestyle expert Laurel House's new book <b><i>QuickieChick's Cheat Sheet to Life, Love, Food, Fitness, Fashion, and Finance on a Less Than Fabulous Budget </i></b>(St. Martin's Griffin/May 2012) offers quick tips for smart, sassy, independent chicks. This is <i>the </i>essential manual on life's lessons delivered in fun, snappy, and instantly-gratifying bites of information. Beyond a fab pair of stilettos, a big shot mentor and a go-to ab workout, <i>QuickieChick </i>reminds us that what every chick <i>really </i>needs are the 3Gs: <b>Gumption, Grace, and Guidance.</b></p><br><br><p><i>QuickieChick </i>is filled with professional advice from business entrepreneurs, exclusive tips straight from celebrities, insightful anecdotes from real women who have "been there and done that," end of chapter cheat sheets that simplify the steps to success in concise and actionable advice, and fun quizzes that help you find out who you <i>really </i>are. This is the perfect rescue handbook for post-grad girls about life and how to live it…fabulously on a budget.</p><p><i>QuickieChick </i>features practical solutions that guide you through:</p><p>? How to ace the job interview </p><p>? How to gain financial independence, move out of your parents' place, and avoid roommate drama</p><p>? Quickie workouts for every location: in bed, at the office, on an airplane, in the kitchen, and more </p><p>? How to get a boost of confidence by wearing "power panties"</p><p>? 1-ingredient refrigerator facials: how to get fab skin by using ingredients found in your fridge</p><p>? Dating and dumping: when to leave, when to stay, where to meet guys, and how to keep them hooked</p><p>? Work party protocol: how to dress, what to say, and how to act</p><p>? How to throw a fab cocktail party on a budget…with no stress</p><br><p>? Finding a mentor</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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The Gold's Gym Beginner's Guide to Fitness【電子書籍】[ Porter, David ]
<p><b>The top gym in the nation leads the way in fitness programs for every need and physique </b></p> <p>Written especially for those with little or no gym experience, <i>The Gold's Gym Beginner's Guide to</i> <i>Fitness </i>is a cutting-edge, balanced, and straightforward guide to total fitness for the novice exerciser. Readers learn about various training methods, the latest fitness technology, and the most modern exercises for developing target muscle groups such as the upper back, lower back, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, legs, and buttocks. And they get:</p> <ul> <li>Expert advice on cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, aerobics, and nutrition</li> <li>Alternative workouts for when they can't get to a gym</li> <li>175 inspiring and instructive photographs, shot on location at Gold's facilities</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Gold's Gym Beginner's Guide to Fitness【電子書籍】[ Porter, David ]
<p><b>The top gym in the nation leads the way in fitness programs for every need and physique </b></p> <p>Written especially for those with little or no gym experience, <i>The Gold's Gym Beginner's Guide to</i> <i>Fitness </i>is a cutting-edge, balanced, and straightforward guide to total fitness for the novice exerciser. Readers learn about various training methods, the latest fitness technology, and the most modern exercises for developing target muscle groups such as the upper back, lower back, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, legs, and buttocks. And they get:</p> <ul> <li>Expert advice on cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, aerobics, and nutrition</li> <li>Alternative workouts for when they can't get to a gym</li> <li>175 inspiring and instructive photographs, shot on location at Gold's facilities</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Gold's Gym Beginner's Guide to Fitness【電子書籍】[ Porter, David ]
<p><b>The top gym in the nation leads the way in fitness programs for every need and physique </b></p> <p>Written especially for those with little or no gym experience, <i>The Gold's Gym Beginner's Guide to</i> <i>Fitness </i>is a cutting-edge, balanced, and straightforward guide to total fitness for the novice exerciser. Readers learn about various training methods, the latest fitness technology, and the most modern exercises for developing target muscle groups such as the upper back, lower back, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, legs, and buttocks. And they get:</p> <ul> <li>Expert advice on cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, aerobics, and nutrition</li> <li>Alternative workouts for when they can't get to a gym</li> <li>175 inspiring and instructive photographs, shot on location at Gold's facilities</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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QuickieChick's Cheat Sheet to Life, Love, Food, Fitness, Fashion, and Finance---on a Less-Than-Fabulous Budget【電子書籍】[ Laurel House ]
<p>Based on the popular <i>QuickieChick </i>website, lifestyle expert Laurel House's new book <b><i>QuickieChick's Cheat Sheet to Life, Love, Food, Fitness, Fashion, and Finance on a Less Than Fabulous Budget </i></b>(St. Martin's Griffin/May 2012) offers quick tips for smart, sassy, independent chicks. This is <i>the </i>essential manual on life's lessons delivered in fun, snappy, and instantly-gratifying bites of information. Beyond a fab pair of stilettos, a big shot mentor and a go-to ab workout, <i>QuickieChick </i>reminds us that what every chick <i>really </i>needs are the 3Gs: <b>Gumption, Grace, and Guidance.</b></p><br><br><p><i>QuickieChick </i>is filled with professional advice from business entrepreneurs, exclusive tips straight from celebrities, insightful anecdotes from real women who have "been there and done that," end of chapter cheat sheets that simplify the steps to success in concise and actionable advice, and fun quizzes that help you find out who you <i>really </i>are. This is the perfect rescue handbook for post-grad girls about life and how to live it…fabulously on a budget.</p><p><i>QuickieChick </i>features practical solutions that guide you through:</p><p>? How to ace the job interview </p><p>? How to gain financial independence, move out of your parents' place, and avoid roommate drama</p><p>? Quickie workouts for every location: in bed, at the office, on an airplane, in the kitchen, and more </p><p>? How to get a boost of confidence by wearing "power panties"</p><p>? 1-ingredient refrigerator facials: how to get fab skin by using ingredients found in your fridge</p><p>? Dating and dumping: when to leave, when to stay, where to meet guys, and how to keep them hooked</p><p>? Work party protocol: how to dress, what to say, and how to act</p><p>? How to throw a fab cocktail party on a budget…with no stress</p><br><p>? Finding a mentor</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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ギフト対応 注)こちらはブラトップとタンクトップの2点セット販売となります。 検索→ ソフトなサポート感のブラトップ&タンクトップ2点セットはこちら 【詳細】■平置実寸サイズ○ブラトップ:着丈約27cm / 胸幅約33cm/アンダー約31cm(カップ付き・目安62cm〜72cm)○タンクトップ:着丈約58cm / 胸幅約39cm■素材:ポリエステル90%・スパンデックス10%・中国製■モデルサイズ:身長167cm/ウエスト65cm/ヒップ86cm /股下78cm ■さらっとしてる伸縮性のある生地です。生地質は柔らかく、速乾性があります!ブラとタンクを別々に着用してもOK!お得なセットです♪ブラトップはホールド感があり、ぴったり着用したい方におすすめです! 【注意事項:必ずご確認ください】 ■リーズナブルな価格でご提供するため、主に海外メーカーでの品揃えとなります。ご使用にはまったく問題ございませんが日本製のような縫製・規格ではありませんので予めご了承お願いします。 ■商品のお色はモニター環境により実際の色と多少異なる場合がありますので予めご了承ください。 ■こちらの商品は複数のモールで販売しています。在庫は売れる都度調整していますが、稀に販売が重なってしまう場合があります。その際はご容赦くださいませ! DFギャラリー
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